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Graphic Novel
<A bowl of kake-soba>
This project will use a personal practice and qualitative research methods to investigate the graphic novel in the commutation design filed. This research examines a question: How to create a graphic novel creatively for the short novel of A bowl of kale-soba (Kuri 1987). The aim of this project is to design a creatively graphic novel for short story from the field of communication design. The key point of the project is the format of design for the graphic novel, rather than the drawings. Compare with the comics, graphic novel is a concept with controversy for a long time and does not have a fixed format. I hope the creating procession of the research results can be a good reference for young graphic novelists and can give the graphic novel more development possibilities.


This practice research approach will be broken into three phases: Research definition, implementation and delivery and also use the case study and focus group to enhance the final design. The outcome of this project is a graphic novel, it could be printed out and shown directly how does it work.
