
Service Design for
The first 100 days of onboarding experience in EY
Current state & Future proposal
The first 100 days of onboarding experience in EY
Current state & Future proposal
EY Digital is a fast-paced working environment. As a result, a
new employee may feel ignored on their first day. They may
even be mistaken for an experienced employee, and on most occasions may be required to meet clients right away. So, how might employees feel noticed, despite Digital's busy environment? Through a welcome package. The latter is a personalised gift from Digital, given on the first day, and includes a range of items, together supporting the coffee, collegial and work culture at EY Digital.
new employee may feel ignored on their first day. They may
even be mistaken for an experienced employee, and on most occasions may be required to meet clients right away. So, how might employees feel noticed, despite Digital's busy environment? Through a welcome package. The latter is a personalised gift from Digital, given on the first day, and includes a range of items, together supporting the coffee, collegial and work culture at EY Digital.